Monday, January 19, 2009


Allah the provider, bestowed mankinds with necessary apparatus- hands, eyes, ears, mouth, legs, genitals, mind and so on-for him to use them in accordance to His will. What you do, good or bad will be accounted for. Be aware that in yaumal kiamah during the hisab, with Allah permission, every apparatus given to you will act as witnesses of Allah.
Shirik or associating Allah with others or giving companion to Allah is a major sin and Allah will never forgive shirik sin. Shirik sinners will be forever in hellfire. Nau' zubilla.
In the course of our life, we befriended many people. Lucky enough if we have friends who keep reminding us of the right path. Friends can lead us go astray and worst if we are one of the collaborators who led others go astray.
When we get married we hope someone very close to us share the responsibility of reminding us from time to time of our wrongdoings, protecting us from going astray or falling into unintentional sin. Who is the best person in this world to do that, it is none other than our own beloved wife.
'Tak ingat ka diri tu dah tua, dok tengok lagi benda-benda macam tu!'. I was watching Miss Universe when my wife blurted out.
I quickly changed the channel.
' Buat dosa saja tengok program macam tu'
I agree with her. Thanks to Allah for giving me such a good wife.

Prophet says: If you are to choose a woman for a wife, choose someone who is pretty and has property but more importantly someone religious.